Upson International Corp. (UPSON) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:48 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱0.650 - ₱0.680
₱0.650 - ₱1.49
Valuation Metrics
₱2.09 Billion

The stock price of UPSON today is ₱0.670, based on the most recent trading session. UPSON share price decreased by 1.47% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 347,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 0% ₱0.680 ₱0.680 ₱0.660 634,500 shares ₱421,325
1 Month -1.47% ₱0.670 ₱0.700 ₱0.650 1,534,000 shares ₱1.04 Million
3 Months -11.84% ₱0.730 ₱0.810 ₱0.650 574,068 shares ₱392,163
6 Months -26.37% ₱0.780 ₱0.930 ₱0.650 362,215 shares ₱258,536
YTD 0% ₱0.670 ₱0.700 ₱0.650 1,807,467 shares ₱1.23 Million
1 Year -52.82% ₱0.910 ₱1.42 ₱0.650 247,791 shares ₱198,838

UPSON Stock Information
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Apr 03, 2023
Company Profile
Upson International Corp. (UPSON), a retailer of IT-related merchandise, was founded on April 19, 1995, as Proton Microsystems, Inc. In 2003, UPSON merged with its former affiliate, Columbia Computer International Corporation. The Company changed its corporate name to its present one on August 4, 2017.UPSON retails under the brand names Octagon Computer Superstore (Octagon), Micro Valley, Gadget King, and Octagon Mobile. Octagon is the flagship brand among its prime stores. It offers a complete line and assortment of hardware and software products that span across nine major categories, including personal computer, printing, communication, storage, networking, peripherals, components, accessories, and software. Micro Valley is a specialty store for do-it-yourself components and customization of personal computers. Gadget King is the Company's specialty store featuring IT accessories and peripherals. Octagon Mobile is another specialty store focusing on communication and connectivity devices.As of December 31, 2023, UPSON operates 232 branches nationwide. In addition to its physical store network, the Company leases a total of six warehouses. These are located in Manila (3), Cebu (1), Cagayan de Oro (1), and Davao City (1).Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)