Semirara Mining and Power Corporation (SCC) Stock Price
The stock price of SCC today is ₱36.15, based on the most recent trading session. SCC share price increased by 0.56% (see other notable gainers), with a trading volume of 1,095,900 shares.
The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.
Period | % Change | Average Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Average Volume | Average Trade |
7 Days | 4.18% | ₱35.72 | ₱36.15 | ₱35.05 | 2,003,867 shares | ₱71.43 Million |
1 Month | 9.55% | ₱34.98 | ₱36.15 | ₱33.00 | 1,660,050 shares | ₱58.09 Million |
3 Months | 7.11% | ₱33.31 | ₱36.15 | ₱31.20 | 1,887,356 shares | ₱62.87 Million |
6 Months | 7.91% | ₱33.33 | ₱36.15 | ₱31.20 | 1,682,131 shares | ₱56.17 Million |
YTD | 4.48% | ₱35.15 | ₱36.15 | ₱34.55 | 1,577,173 shares | ₱55.48 Million |
1 Year | 13.68% | ₱32.98 | ₱36.15 | ₱28.75 | 1,752,161 shares | ₱57.88 Million |
Semirara Mining and Power Corporation (SCC) was incorporated on February 26, 1980, with the primary objective of exploring, developing, and mining the coal resources located on Semirara Island, Caluya, Antique. This initiative began under a coal operating contract with the Department of Energy, initially established in 1977 and amended in 1981. On August 18, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the company’s name change to include "power," reflecting its strategic shift towards power generation through its wholly-owned subsidiaries.
SCC generates revenue primarily through the production and sale of sub-bituminous coal. The company maintains coal supply contracts not only with its own power subsidiaries but also with other power plants, cement manufacturers, and various small boiler users, ensuring a stable market for its products.
As of December 31, 2022, SCC’s portfolio includes several subsidiaries that enhance its operational capabilities:
- SEM-Calaca Power Corporation
- Southwest Luzon Power Generation Corporation
- SEM-Cal Industrial Park Developers Inc.
- Semirara Materials and Resources, Inc.
- Semirara Energy Utilities Inc.
- Southeast Luzon Power Generation Corporation
- St. Raphael Power Generation Corporation
With its integrated operations in coal mining and power generation, SCC continues to be a key player in the energy sector of the Philippines, driving economic growth and energy security.