Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) Stock Price

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PORT Stock Price Today

( $0.126 in USD )

Price Performance Charts

Trading Data

Previous Close
Day Low / High
₱7.30 - ₱7.30
52W Low / High
₱7.30 - ₱7.30
Trade Amount
Trade Volume

Valuation Metrics

Market Cap
₱17.05 Billion
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value

The stock price of PORT today is ₱7.30, based on the most recent trading session. PORT share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 0 shares.


Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 0% ₱7.30 ₱7.30 ₱7.30 0 shares ₱0
1 Month 0% ₱7.30 ₱7.30 ₱7.30 0 shares ₱0
3 Months 0% ₱7.30 ₱7.30 ₱7.30 0 shares ₱0
6 Months 0% ₱7.30 ₱7.30 ₱7.30 0 shares ₱0
YTD 0% ₱7.30 ₱7.30 ₱7.30 0 shares ₱0
1 Year 0% ₱7.30 ₱7.30 ₱7.30 0 shares ₱0
Last Updated:

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PORT Stock Information

Transportation Services
Share Type
Outstanding Shares
Board Lot
Is PSEi / Blue Chip
Is Dividend Stock

Company Profile

Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT), was originally incorporated on May 1, 1933 to as Metropolitan Insurance Company to engage in the insurance business and was listed on June 9, 1948. On February 15, 1999, the Board of PORT approved the change in its corporate name to MIC Holdings Inc. (MIC Holdings) and the change in primary purpose from insurance to that of a holding company. On August 4, 2011, Sultan 900 Capital Inc. acquired 516,217 shares representing 95.22% of the total issued and outstanding capital stock of PORT. On December 7, 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the change in corporate name from MIC Holdings to the present one and the change in primary purpose to that of a company engaged in the ports industry.On April 4, 2012, the Corporation bought 100% of Platinum Dredging, Inc., a domestic corporation engaged in the construction business related to ports as well as 96.32% of Harbour Centre Port Holdings, Inc.PORT has a 96.32% equity interest in Harbour Centre Port Holdigs, Inc., a domestic corporation registered with the SEC on Septemeber 12, 2007 as a holding company wholse interests are in ports and logistics operations and management. As of December 31, 2019, PORT’s subsidiaries include Harbour Centre Port Holdings Inc., and Platinum Dredging Inc. Source: SEC Form 17-A (2019)


What is the Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) stock price today?
The stock price for Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) today is PHP 7.30.
What is the market cap of Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT)?
The total market cap of Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) is PHP 17.05 Billion.
What type of stock is PORT?
The type of stock for PORT is Common.
What is the board lot of Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT)?
The board lot of Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) is 100.
What stock exchange does Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) trade on?
Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) is listed and trades on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).
Is Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) a member of PSEi index (a blue chip stock)?
No, Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) is not part of the PSEi index.
Is Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) a dividend-paying stock?
No, Globalport 900, Inc. (PORT) is not a dividend-paying stock.