Petron Corporation (PCOR) Stock Price
Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:42 PM / Live Trading
in USD
Trading Data
Open Price
Day Low / High
₱2.38 - ₱2.42
52W Low / High
₱2.32 - ₱3.38
Trade Amount
Trade Volume
Valuation Metrics
Market Cap
₱22.41 Billion
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value
Dividend Yield
The stock price of PCOR today is ₱2.39, based on the most recent trading session. PCOR share price decreased by 1.24% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 295,000 shares.
Price Data by Timeframe
The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.
Period | % Change | Average Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Average Volume | Average Trade |
7 Days | -4.4% | ₱2.45 | ₱2.48 | ₱2.39 | 270,000 shares | ₱660,055 |
1 Month | -1.24% | ₱2.42 | ₱2.50 | ₱2.32 | 464,167 shares | ₱1.12 Million |
3 Months | -8.08% | ₱2.45 | ₱2.60 | ₱2.32 | 738,000 shares | ₱1.85 Million |
6 Months | -8.08% | ₱2.53 | ₱2.88 | ₱2.32 | 888,314 shares | ₱2.28 Million |
YTD | -0.42% | ₱2.41 | ₱2.50 | ₱2.32 | 472,933 shares | ₱1.14 Million |
1 Year | -27.58% | ₱2.79 | ₱3.38 | ₱2.32 | 674,545 shares | ₱1.84 Million |
Related Stocks:
PCOR Stock Information
Elec., Energy, Power & Water
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Sep 07, 1994
Board Lot
Company Profile
Petron Corporation (PCOR) was incorporated on December 22, 1966 as Esso Philippines, Inc. (Esso) and later renamed to Petrophil Corporation (Petrophil) when the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) acquired Esso. In 1985, Petrophil and Bataan Refinery Corporation were merged, with Petrophil as the surviving corporation. Petrophil changed its corporate name to the present one in 1988.PCOR's principal business involves the refining of crude oil and the marketing and distribution of refined petroleum products including gasoline, naphtha, LPG, diesel, jet fuel, kerosene, and petrochemicals. The Company's refinery is located in Limay, Bataan with a crude distillation capacity of 180,000 barrels a day. PCOR also manufactures lubricants and greases through its plants in Manila.As of December 31, 2023, PCOR had more than 1,900 retail service stations and various LPG dealerships, stores and franchises, and lube outlets nationwide. Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)