EEI Corporation (EEI) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 03:00 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱3.16 - ₱3.19
₱3.16 - ₱6.10
Valuation Metrics
₱3.31 Billion

The stock price of EEI today is ₱3.19, based on the most recent trading session. EEI share price increased by 0.95% (see other notable gainers), with a trading volume of 8,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -6.18% ₱3.34 ₱3.52 ₱3.16 56,333 shares ₱182,440
1 Month -13.32% ₱3.48 ₱3.68 ₱3.16 38,056 shares ₱128,437
3 Months -22.57% ₱3.64 ₱4.12 ₱3.16 62,898 shares ₱228,229
6 Months -31.4% ₱4.03 ₱4.90 ₱3.16 119,496 shares ₱501,736
YTD -10.89% ₱3.45 ₱3.65 ₱3.16 41,133 shares ₱137,581
1 Year -47.62% ₱4.62 ₱6.09 ₱3.16 145,815 shares ₱714,287

EEI Stock Information
Construction, Infr. & Allied
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Jul 21, 1975
Company Profile
EEI Corporation (EEI) was incorporated on April 17, 1931 as machinery and mills supply house for the mining industry. The Company eventually expanded into construction services, supply of manpower in the Philippines and overseas, and distribution of a range of industrial machinery and systems. EEI is a member of the Yuchengco Group of Companies, a conglomerate with interests in banking, education, financial services, property development and renewable energy.The Company is primarily involved in the installation, construction and erection of power generating facilities; oil refineries; chemical production plants; cement plants; food and beverage manufacturing facilities; semiconductor assembly plants; roads, bridges, rails, ports, airports, elevated expressways, metro rail transit system and other infrastructure; high rise residential and office towers, and hotel buildings. As of December 31, 2023, EEI's subsidiaries include EEI Limited; EEI Construction and Marine, Inc.; EEI Power Corporation; EEI Realty Corporation; EEI Business Solutions, Inc.; Gulf Asia International Corporation; EEI Corporation (Guam), Inc.; EEI Subic Corporation; Bagumbayan Equipment & Industrial Plant, Inc.; Philrock Construction and Services, Inc.; Philmark, Inc.; EEI Energy Solutions Corporation; EEI Carga; JP System Asia, Inc.; and LearnJP Corp;Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)