East Coast Vulcan Corporation (ECVC) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:54 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱0.310 - ₱0.330
₱0.260 - ₱0.750
Valuation Metrics
₱2.19 Billion

The stock price of ECVC today is ₱0.330, based on the most recent trading session. ECVC share price decreased by 2.94% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 90,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 3.13% ₱0.320 ₱0.340 ₱0.310 181,667 shares ₱56,125
1 Month 13.79% ₱0.310 ₱0.340 ₱0.290 203,889 shares ₱62,089
3 Months -20.48% ₱0.350 ₱0.420 ₱0.260 269,661 shares ₱91,814
6 Months -36.54% ₱0.410 ₱0.570 ₱0.260 544,281 shares ₱234,564
YTD 4.76% ₱0.310 ₱0.340 ₱0.290 176,667 shares ₱54,200
1 Year -51.47% ₱0.520 ₱0.750 ₱0.260 574,123 shares ₱317,711

ECVC Stock Information
Construction, Infr. & Allied
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Aug 31, 1970
Company Profile
East Coast Vulcan Corporation (ECVC), formerly Vulcan Industrial & Mining Corporation, was originally incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 13, 1953 as Vulcan Manufacturing Corporation. The SEC approved its change in corporate name to its present one on May 29, 2023. In 2013, ECVC changed its primary purpose from mining and oil exploration to retail, and relegated mining and oil exploration as secondary purposes.The Company is involved in finding, developing, and producing oil and gas reserves and other mineral properties. The Company is also a participant in several service contracts, mineral production sharing agreements, and geophysical survey and exploration contracts entered with the Philippine Government, through the Department of Energy.On December 18, 2012, ECVC sold its 100% interest in Vulcan Materials Corporation to Anglo Philippine Holdings Corporation, a related party. On August 12, 2014, National Book Store, Inc. (NBSI) subscribed to 850 million shares from the increase in capital stock of the Company.As of December 31, 2023, the Company had no commercial operations since it is only in the stage of exploration. Furthermore, due to the reorganization of ECVC that commenced in the fourth quarter of 2012 and the intended listing of NBSI, the Company retired all of its employees during the first semester of 2013. Despite NBSI's decision to no longer pursue a backdoor listing of its retail assets, NBSI's investment and subscription to shares in the Company remain unchanged and it continues to explore alternative strategies that will generate the most value to its shareholders.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)