Sun Life Financial Inc. (SLF) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:42 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱3,200.00 - ₱3,304.00
₱2,510.00 - ₱3,750.00
Valuation Metrics
₱1.84 Trillion

The stock price of SLF today is ₱3,200.00, based on the most recent trading session. SLF share price decreased by 3.15% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 280 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -3.03% ₱3,294.33 ₱3,330.00 ₱3,200.00 200 shares ₱658,895
1 Month -8.57% ₱3,298.67 ₱3,500.00 ₱3,030.00 195 shares ₱640,123
3 Months 8.55% ₱3,320.34 ₱3,750.00 ₱2,948.00 301 shares ₱961,078
6 Months 14.29% ₱3,137.37 ₱3,750.00 ₱2,702.00 259 shares ₱798,208
YTD 5.61% ₱3,271.73 ₱3,450.00 ₱3,030.00 233 shares ₱764,848
1 Year 25.49% ₱2,965.85 ₱3,750.00 ₱2,510.00 206 shares ₱607,172

SLF Stock Information
Other Financial Institutions
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Mar 24, 2000
Company Profile
Sun Life Financial, Inc. (SLF) is a publicly traded company domiciled in Canada and is the holding company of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. SLF was incorporated in Canada on August 5, 1999. SLF is traded on the Toronto (TSX), New York (NYSE), and the Philippine (PSE) stock exchanges.The Company manages its operations through five business segments, namely SLF Canada, SLF US, SLF Asset Management, SLF Asia, and Corporate. Along with its subsidiaries, SLF and provides savings, retirement, and pension products, and life and health insurance to individuals and groups through its operations in Canada, the US, the United Kingdom, and Asia. The SLF Group also operates mutual fund and investment management businesses primarily in Canada, the US and Asia. SLF has operations in a number of markets worldwide, including Canada, the US, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bermuda. SLF's operations in the Philippines, established in 1895, distribute a range of protection and savings products largely through career agency sales force and bancassurance channel. SLF offers individual and group life and health insurance products to individuals and businesses through a wholly-owned subsidiary, Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc., and through a joint venture with the Yuchengco Group, Sun Life Grepa Financial, Inc., in which the Company has a 49% ownership stake. The Company also offers mutual funds through another wholly-owned subsidiary, Sun Life Asset Management Company.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)