First Abacus Financial Holdings Corp. (FAF) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:54 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱0.600 - ₱0.600
₱0.590 - ₱0.700
Valuation Metrics
₱715.92 Million

The stock price of FAF today is ₱0.600, based on the most recent trading session. FAF share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 10,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 0% ₱0.600 ₱0.600 ₱0.600 3,333 shares ₱2,000
1 Month -4.76% ₱0.610 ₱0.650 ₱0.600 6,778 shares ₱4,071
3 Months -4.76% ₱0.650 ₱0.690 ₱0.600 60,610 shares ₱41,153
6 Months 1.69% ₱0.640 ₱0.700 ₱0.590 36,355 shares ₱24,263
YTD -3.23% ₱0.610 ₱0.620 ₱0.600 8,067 shares ₱4,841
1 Year 0% ₱0.630 ₱0.700 ₱0.590 20,414 shares ₱13,521

FAF Stock Information
Other Financial Institutions
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Nov 17, 1994
Company Profile
First Abacus Financial Holdings Corporation (FAF) traces its roots from Seven Seas Oil Exploration and Resources, Inc., which was incorporated on February 15, 1994. The Company was primarily engaged in the business of oil exploration and development. On January 25, 1996, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the Company's change in corporate name to its present name, including a change in primary purpose into a financial holding company.FAF's first strategic corporate realignment move was the acquisition of Abacus Capital & Investment Corporation (ACIC), an operating investment house. This acquisition also brought into FAF the subsidiaries of ACIC, namely, Abacus Securities Corporation (ASC) and Vista Holdings Corporation (VHC).FAF, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in stockbroking activities, investment banking, real estate business, and other financial services. ACIC is primarily engaged in investment banking activities, management services, and treasury and other financial services. ASC is engaged in stockbroking services, while VHC is classified as a real estate holding firm.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)