Filipino Fund, Inc. (FFI) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 03:06 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱8.20 - ₱8.20
₱3.60 - ₱8.20
Valuation Metrics
₱411.37 Million

The stock price of FFI today is ₱8.20, based on the most recent trading session. FFI share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 6,500 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 17.14% ₱8.00 ₱8.20 ₱7.08 4,267 shares ₱33,947
1 Month 27.73% ₱7.07 ₱8.20 ₱6.31 2,911 shares ₱21,831
3 Months 45.91% ₱6.34 ₱8.20 ₱5.62 19,900 shares ₱119,086
6 Months 63.02% ₱6.03 ₱8.20 ₱5.03 9,926 shares ₱59,306
YTD 27.73% ₱7.20 ₱8.20 ₱6.31 3,493 shares ₱26,197
1 Year 127.78% ₱5.75 ₱8.20 ₱3.60 5,750 shares ₱34,864

FFI Stock Information
Other Financial Institutions
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Sep 27, 1995
Company Profile
Filipino Fund, Inc. (FFI) was originally incorporated on May 9, 1991 as a closed-end investment company and was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 28, 1995. In November 2002, FFI's shareholders approved the proposal to re-organize the Company, which will provide shareholders with a liquidity vehicle to cash in on their investment. On March of the following year, the SEC approved the said financial restructuring of FFI.In September 2003, Vicsal Development Corporation (VDC), a holding company of the Metro Gaisano group, acquired 70.42% of FFI's total issued and outstanding shares. VDC still remains the majority shareholder of FFI as of end-2023.FFI's services include investments in equities, unit investment trust funds, and fixed income securities. There are no distribution methods adopted by FFI as it does not deal or trade in goods or products. FFI likewise has no business operations aside for the trading of its shares as well as the maintenance of its investment portfolio.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)