Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:39 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱1,711.00 - ₱1,895.00
₱1,001.00 - ₱2,086.00
Valuation Metrics
₱3.00 Trillion

The stock price of MFC today is ₱1,711.00, based on the most recent trading session. MFC share price decreased by 9.71% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 15 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -14.24% ₱1,881.00 ₱1,995.00 ₱1,711.00 6 shares ₱10,609
1 Month -14.32% ₱1,865.89 ₱1,997.00 ₱1,701.00 36 shares ₱62,508
3 Months 6.94% ₱1,853.05 ₱2,086.00 ₱1,600.00 214 shares ₱370,182
6 Months 18.41% ₱1,668.51 ₱2,086.00 ₱1,260.00 175 shares ₱284,280
YTD 0.59% ₱1,839.67 ₱1,996.00 ₱1,701.00 44 shares ₱75,009
1 Year 42.7% ₱1,481.08 ₱2,086.00 ₱1,001.00 206 shares ₱288,249

MFC Stock Information
Other Financial Institutions
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Sep 27, 1999
Company Profile
Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) is a publicly traded company domiciled in Canada and is the holding company of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. MFC was incorporated in Canada on April 26, 1999. MFC offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to personal and business clients as well as asset management services to institutional customers through its operations in Asia, Canada, and the US.MFC operates as Manulife in Canada, Asia, and Europe and primarily as John Hancock in the United States (US). MFC is traded on the Toronto, Hong Kong, New York, and the Philippine stock exchanges.MFC has a number of subsidiaries operating in Barbados, Bermuda, Cambodia, Canada, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan, the US, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)