ABS-CBN Holdings Corporation - Philippine Deposit Receipts (ABSP) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:48 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱5.39 - ₱5.40
₱2.70 - ₱7.79
Valuation Metrics
₱551.06 Million

The stock price of ABSP today is ₱5.40, based on the most recent trading session. ABSP share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 500 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 1.89% ₱5.30 ₱5.40 ₱5.20 517 shares ₱2,755
1 Month 45.95% ₱4.81 ₱6.00 ₱3.70 44,411 shares ₱247,434
3 Months 31.39% ₱4.19 ₱6.00 ₱3.52 24,600 shares ₱116,171
6 Months 34% ₱4.27 ₱6.00 ₱3.52 23,251 shares ₱106,702
YTD 45.16% ₱5.02 ₱6.00 ₱3.72 52,627 shares ₱294,415
1 Year 15.88% ₱4.65 ₱7.79 ₱2.70 63,849 shares ₱328,652

ABSP Stock Information
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Philippine Deposit Receipts
Listing Date
Oct 07, 1999
Company Profile
ABS-CBN Corporation (ABS), originally incorporated as Bolinao Electronics Corporation on July 11, 1946, is a media and entertainment organization in the Philippines. The Company creates and produces entertainment and news and distributes its programs on different platforms such as cable and satellite TV (domestic and international), domestic free TV through various partnerships with local broadcasters, its own streaming service iWantTFC, domestic and international theater chains and through co-production and syndication agreements with global streaming platforms. The Company produces and co-produces feature films, television series and shows, concerts and events, music and podcasts, and digital video and audio features. ABS also manages and represents a stable of artists and talent, both on and off-cam. ABS also programs and manages a lineup of cable and satellite channels for domestic and international platforms. Its international flagship channel, The Filipino Channel (TFC), distributes content to nearly 200 countries worldwide. The Company's digital assets include the domestic OTT platform iWantTFC, social media accounts for entertainment and news, and ABS-CBN.com, a Philippine information and entertainment website. Source: The Company (2023) / SEC Form 17-A (2023)