GMA Holdings, Inc. - Philippine Deposit Receipts (GMAP) Stock Price
Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:39 PM / Live Trading
in USD
Trading Data
Open Price
Day Low / High
₱6.00 - ₱6.00
52W Low / High
₱5.07 - ₱8.96
Trade Amount
Trade Volume
Valuation Metrics
Market Cap
₱2.36 Billion
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value
The stock price of GMAP today is ₱6.00, based on the most recent trading session. GMAP share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 300 shares.
Price Data by Timeframe
The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.
Period | % Change | Average Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Average Volume | Average Trade |
7 Days | 10.09% | ₱5.96 | ₱6.08 | ₱5.51 | 983 shares | ₱5,832 |
1 Month | -4.76% | ₱5.96 | ₱6.30 | ₱5.07 | 6,717 shares | ₱40,070 |
3 Months | -6.25% | ₱6.18 | ₱6.78 | ₱5.07 | 44,727 shares | ₱245,553 |
6 Months | -10.58% | ₱6.33 | ₱7.07 | ₱5.07 | 98,175 shares | ₱591,786 |
YTD | -3.85% | ₱5.89 | ₱6.24 | ₱5.07 | 7,547 shares | ₱44,863 |
1 Year | -33.04% | ₱7.09 | ₱8.96 | ₱5.07 | 138,086 shares | ₱1.05 Million |
Related Stocks:
GMAP Stock Information
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Philippine Deposit Receipts
Listing Date
Jul 30, 2007
Board Lot
Company Profile
GMA Network, Inc. (GMA7) was incorporated on June 14, 1950 as a free-to-air broadcasting company principally engaged in television and radio broadcasting, the production of programs for domestic and international audiences, and other related businesses.GMA7's subsidiaries and affiliates are involved in media-related services such as movie making, sets and props construction, film syndication, music and video recording, new media, online gaming post production services and marketing, which complement the Company's core television and radio broadcasting business.The Company's subsidiaries are GMA New Media, Inc.; Citynet Network Marketing and Productions, Inc.; GMA Network Films, Inc.; GMA Worldwide (Philippines), Inc.; GMA Productions, Inc. (GMA Music); Scenarios, Inc.; Alta Productions Group, Inc.; GMA Marketing & Productions, Inc.; and GMA Ventures, Inc.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)