Victorias Milling Company, Inc. (VMC) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:54 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱2.05 - ₱2.05
₱1.90 - ₱3.85
Valuation Metrics
₱11.24 Billion

The stock price of VMC today is ₱2.05, based on the most recent trading session. VMC share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 1,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 2.5% ₱2.03 ₱2.05 ₱2.00 59,500 shares ₱120,547
1 Month 0% ₱2.03 ₱2.10 ₱2.00 24,222 shares ₱49,018
3 Months 1.99% ₱2.01 ₱2.10 ₱2.00 53,000 shares ₱106,205
6 Months -37.88% ₱2.34 ₱3.85 ₱1.90 70,364 shares ₱185,030
YTD 0% ₱2.02 ₱2.10 ₱2.00 29,067 shares ₱58,821
1 Year -28.82% ₱2.64 ₱3.85 ₱1.90 54,092 shares ₱148,800

VMC Stock Information
Food, Beverage & Tobacco
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Nov 15, 1993
Company Profile
Victorias Milling Company, Inc. (VMC) was incorporated on May 7, 1919 to engage in integrated raw and refined sugar manufacturing as well as to operate engineering services. VMC's sugar plant facilities are located in Victorias City, Negros Occidental. On July 3, 2013, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the inclusion of ethanol and/or potable alcohol production, infrastructure, transportation, telecommunication, mining, water, power generation, recreation, and financial or credit consultancy in the Company's business purposes.On July 4, 1997, VMC filed with the SEC a petition for the Declaration of Suspension of Payments, for the Approval of a Rehabilitation Plan, and the appointment of a Management Committee. Pursuant to the approved Rehabilitation Plan, VMC and the creditor banks executed a debt restructuring agreement on April 29, 2002. VMC plunged into several strategic initiatives to attain financial health, sustain its operations and pay off its debts. Thus in 2013, more than five years ahead of schedule, the Company was able to pay all its remaining balance of the restructured loan as well as the interests accruing thereon. VMC likewise converted its convertible notes in accordance with the conversion periods as stated in the debt restructuring agreement. In 2014, the Company fully redeemed the remaining notes held by original noteholders.The Company has since diversified and formed Victorias Foods Corporation; Victorias Agricultural Land Corporation; Victorias Green Energy Corporation; Canetown Development Corporation; Victorias Golf and Country Club, Inc.; and Victorias Quality Packaging Company, Inc. Through these, VMC improves its expertise in the areas of food processing, leisure, real estate, and energy generation.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)