RFM Corporation (RFM) Stock Price

Last Updated: / (Last Trading)

RFM Stock Price Today

( $0.0716 in USD )

Price Performance Charts

Trading Data

Previous Close
Day Low / High
₱4.10 - ₱4.18
52W Low / High
₱2.92 - ₱4.18
Trade Amount
Trade Volume

Valuation Metrics

Market Cap
₱14.05 Billion
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value
Dividend Yield

The stock price of RFM today is ₱4.17, based on the most recent trading session. RFM share price decreased by 0.24% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 61,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 1.46% ₱4.14 ₱4.18 ₱4.10 158,200 shares ₱651,918
1 Month 6.38% ₱4.05 ₱4.18 ₱3.92 200,850 shares ₱801,626
3 Months 6.92% ₱3.95 ₱4.18 ₱3.80 538,559 shares ₱2.08 Million
6 Months 7.2% ₱3.90 ₱4.18 ₱3.72 414,525 shares ₱1.61 Million
YTD 8.03% ₱4.00 ₱4.18 ₱3.86 428,917 shares ₱1.69 Million
1 Year 40.88% ₱3.72 ₱4.18 ₱2.94 318,409 shares ₱1.20 Million
Last Updated:

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RFM Stock Information

Food, Beverage & Tobacco
Share Type
Outstanding Shares
Board Lot
Is PSEi / Blue Chip
Is Dividend Stock

Company Profile

RFM Corporation (RFM) was incorporated on August 16, 1957 as Republic Flour Mills, Inc. to manufacture flour in the Philippines. From its original business of flour milling, the Company diversified into poultry and livestock production and areas of food manufacturing that includes flour-based products, margarine, milk & juices, canned and processed meat, ice cream, and bottled mineral water. RFM also operates non-food businesses, which include barging services and leasing of commercial/office spaces that serve the internal requirement of the various operating divisions.RFM operates two business segments namely, institutional segment, which primarily manufactures and sells flour, bakery and other bakery products to institutional customers; and consumer segment, which manufactures and sells ice cream, milk and juices, pasta products and flour- and rice-based mixes. The Company is known for the following brands: 'White King All-Purpose Flour'; 'Fiesta Spaghetti'; 'Selecta Moo'; 'Sunkist Orange Pulp'; 'Vitwater'; 'Selecta Magnum'; 'Selecta Cornetto'; 'Selecta Paddle Pop'; and 'Royal Spaghetti'. The Company has the following subsidiaries and affiliates in its food and non-food businesses: Unilever RFM Ice Cream, Inc.; RFM Foods Philippines Corporation; Southstar Bottled Water Company, Inc.; Engrain-RFM Pacific, Inc.; FWBC Holdings, Inc.; RFM Equities, Inc.; Rizal Lighterage Corporation; WS Holdings, Inc.; and Selecta Wall’s Land Corporation.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)

RFM Stock FAQs

What is the RFM Corporation (RFM) stock price today?
The stock price for RFM Corporation (RFM) today is PHP 4.17.
What is the market cap of RFM Corporation (RFM)?
The total market cap of RFM Corporation (RFM) is PHP 14.05 Billion.
What type of stock is RFM?
The type of stock for RFM is Common.
What is the board lot of RFM Corporation (RFM)?
The board lot of RFM Corporation (RFM) is 1000.
What stock exchange does RFM Corporation (RFM) trade on?
RFM Corporation (RFM) is listed and trades on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).
Is RFM Corporation (RFM) a member of PSEi index (a blue chip stock)?
No, RFM Corporation (RFM) is not part of the PSEi index.
Is RFM Corporation (RFM) a dividend-paying stock?
Yes, RFM Corporation (RFM) is a dividend-paying stock.