Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) Stock Price

Last Updated: / (Last Trading)

UNH Stock Price Today

( $3.67 in USD )

Price Performance Charts

Trading Data

Previous Close
Day Low / High
₱210.00 - ₱210.00
52W Low / High
₱113.40 - ₱248.60
Trade Amount
Trade Volume

Valuation Metrics

Market Cap
₱2.16 Billion
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value

The stock price of UNH today is ₱210.00, based on the most recent trading session. UNH share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 0 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -0.47% ₱201.80 ₱210.00 ₱188.00 156 shares ₱29,588
1 Month 12.9% ₱209.40 ₱248.60 ₱186.00 531 shares ₱107,432
3 Months 11.11% ₱195.99 ₱248.60 ₱180.00 209 shares ₱41,922
6 Months 10.53% ₱172.85 ₱248.60 ₱136.20 106 shares ₱21,172
YTD 11.11% ₱195.99 ₱248.60 ₱180.00 209 shares ₱41,922
1 Year 30.03% ₱177.15 ₱248.60 ₱113.40 58 shares ₱11,531
Last Updated:

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UNH Stock Information

Share Type
Outstanding Shares
Board Lot
Is PSEi / Blue Chip
Is Dividend Stock

Company Profile

Uniholdings Inc. (UNH), formerly known as Chemical Industries of the Philippines, Inc., was incorporated on January 6, 1959. The Company and its subsidiaries are primarily engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of industrial chemicals and leasing of office space to related and outside parties.UNH has two business segments: chemicals and leasing. The chemicals segment manufactures and trades chemical products for water and sewage treatment and inorganic coagulants for the paper industry. The Company ceased operations of this segment since the cessation of operations of CAWC Inc., Chemphil Manufacturing Corp., and Kemwater Phil. Corp.UNH had another subsidiary, LMG Chemicals Corporation (LMG), engaged in trading of chemical products until LMG ceased its trading operations in 2014. In December 2017, UNH sold its entire 65.92% shareholding in LMG.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)

UNH Stock FAQs

What is the Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) stock price today?
The stock price for Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) today is PHP 210.00.
What is the market cap of Uniholdings Inc. (UNH)?
The total market cap of Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) is PHP 2.16 Billion.
What type of stock is UNH?
The type of stock for UNH is Common.
What is the board lot of Uniholdings Inc. (UNH)?
The board lot of Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) is 10.
What stock exchange does Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) trade on?
Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) is listed and trades on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).
Is Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) a member of PSEi index (a blue chip stock)?
No, Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) is not part of the PSEi index.
Is Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) a dividend-paying stock?
No, Uniholdings Inc. (UNH) is not a dividend-paying stock.