Pryce Corporation (PPC) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 11:59 AM / (Trading in Recess)
Trading Data
₱10.30 - ₱10.48
₱5.19 - ₱11.88
Valuation Metrics
₱19.37 Billion

The stock price of PPC today is ₱10.30, based on the most recent trading session. PPC share price decreased by 1.72% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 60,700 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -1.72% ₱10.31 ₱10.48 ₱10.12 43,800 shares ₱449,448
1 Month 0% ₱10.48 ₱10.70 ₱10.12 79,322 shares ₱820,814
3 Months 21.18% ₱10.25 ₱11.88 ₱8.50 74,410 shares ₱752,530
6 Months 26.38% ₱8.91 ₱11.88 ₱7.16 109,908 shares ₱952,708
YTD -1.53% ₱10.47 ₱10.70 ₱10.12 37,947 shares ₱395,300
1 Year 97.7% ₱7.50 ₱11.88 ₱5.19 149,046 shares ₱1.00 Million

PPC Stock Information
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Oct 29, 1991
Company Profile
Pryce Corporation (PPC), formerly Pryce Properties Corporation, was incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 7, 1989. The Company was established basically as a property holding and real estate development company and concentrates its operations in Mindanao, being involved in the development of memorial parks and sale of memorial lots.PPC owns and operates 13 memorial parks in Mindanao's major cities such as Cagayan de Oro, Iligan City, Ozamiz, Polanco (near Dipolog City), Zamboanga City, Davao City, including smaller-sized memorial parks suited for Mindanao's secondary cities or major municipalities namely, CDO-Manolo Fortich (at the boundary of Cagayan de Oro and Bukidnon) and Malaybalay City in Bukidnon, Malita in Davao Occidental, Bislig in Surigao del Sur, Alabel in Saranggani, Pagadian City and Butuan City.Pryce Gases, Inc. is the Company's major subsidiary. It is engaged in the importation and distribution of liquefied petroleum gas under the brand name 'PryceGas' and also produces and sells industrial gases. Another subsidiary is Pryce Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a wholesaler and distributor of private branded multi-vitamins and some over-the-counter generic drugs.On July 31, 2015, PPC received an order dated July 28, 2015 from the Commercial Court. The order granted PPC's motion to terminate its corporate rehabilitation proceedings and declared the rehabilitation proceedings of PPC as closed and terminated. The closure and termination of the rehabilitation proceedings formally became final when the Commercial Court issued a certificate of finality of judgment on March 13, 2019.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)