Medilines Distributors Incorporated (MEDIC) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:45 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱0.295 - ₱0.320
₱0.280 - ₱0.370
Valuation Metrics
₱837.71 Million

The stock price of MEDIC today is ₱0.305, based on the most recent trading session. MEDIC share price decreased by 1.61% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 260,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -4.69% ₱0.310 ₱0.320 ₱0.310 106,667 shares ₱32,892
1 Month 1.67% ₱0.310 ₱0.320 ₱0.300 103,333 shares ₱31,547
3 Months -7.58% ₱0.320 ₱0.350 ₱0.300 309,322 shares ₱101,565
6 Months 5.17% ₱0.320 ₱0.370 ₱0.280 743,554 shares ₱245,674
YTD -3.17% ₱0.310 ₱0.320 ₱0.310 111,333 shares ₱33,990
1 Year -1.61% ₱0.310 ₱0.370 ₱0.280 552,582 shares ₱177,282

MEDIC Stock Information
Other Services
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Dec 07, 2021
Company Profile
Medilines Distributors, Incorporated (MEDIC) was incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 12, 2002. The Company's primary purpose is to establish, conduct and maintain business of trading and distribution of medical devices.MEDIC sources and maintains a portfolio of critical medical equipment from multinational medical device companies that cater to the specialized care segments namely, diagnostic imaging; dialysis; and cancer therapy. These categories, in turn, address some of the top causes of mortality among Filipinos – cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.The Company's customers are primarily the Philippine government through the Department of Health and local government units, and private healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centers.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)