Ionics, Inc. (ION) Stock Price
Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:45 PM / Live Trading
in USD
Trading Data
Open Price
Day Low / High
₱0.890 - ₱0.920
52W Low / High
₱0.720 - ₱1.36
Trade Amount
Trade Volume
Valuation Metrics
Market Cap
₱753.42 Million
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value
The stock price of ION today is ₱0.900, based on the most recent trading session. ION share price increased by 1.12% (see other notable gainers), with a trading volume of 243,000 shares.
Price Data by Timeframe
The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.
Period | % Change | Average Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Average Volume | Average Trade |
7 Days | -3.23% | ₱0.910 | ₱0.930 | ₱0.890 | 214,833 shares | ₱193,228 |
1 Month | 8.43% | ₱0.890 | ₱0.970 | ₱0.830 | 712,667 shares | ₱661,297 |
3 Months | 7.14% | ₱0.840 | ₱0.970 | ₱0.760 | 367,763 shares | ₱322,551 |
6 Months | 12.5% | ₱0.830 | ₱0.970 | ₱0.720 | 510,926 shares | ₱431,944 |
YTD | 5.88% | ₱0.900 | ₱0.970 | ₱0.850 | 811,600 shares | ₱757,130 |
1 Year | -18.18% | ₱0.940 | ₱1.36 | ₱0.720 | 1,296,590 shares | ₱1.43 Million |
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ION Stock Information
Electrical Components & Equip.
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Jul 18, 1995
Board Lot
Company Profile
Ionics, Inc. (ION) was incorporated on September 10, 1982 and started commercial operations in July 1987 to engage in electronic manufacturing services business. In September 1999, ION transferred its primary manufacturing business to a majority-owned subsidiary, Ionics EMS, Inc. (IEMS). Accordingly, the Company ceased to be a manufacturing company and amended its primary purpose to that of a holding company.ION, through its subsidiaries, is a one-stop shop electronics manufacturing services provider. In particular, the group is a contract electronics manufacturer. Most of their end products are components and sub-assembly which are eventually used as inputs for the finished products of its customers. ION and its subsidiaries primarily focus on telecommunication, automotive, computer, consumer, industrial, plastic, and medical products.Aside from IEMS, the Company's other subsidiaries are Ionics Properties, Inc.; Ionics Circuits Limited; Iomni Precision, Inc.; Synertronix, Inc (SI); and Ionics Products Solutions, Inc. On August 15, 2003, ION decided to discontinue the operations of SI and executed the contract to sell on July 18, 2014.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)