Greenergy Holdings Incorporated (GREEN) Stock Price

Price Data
Market Data
₱520.16 Million

Company Profile
Greenergy Holdings Incorporated (GREEN) was originally incorporated as MUSX Corporation on January 29, 1992. GREEN was established to engage in the creation, design, development and manufacture of specialty semiconductor products and to market and sell the same to customers worldwide. However, in 1999, with the approval of its shareholders, the Company became a holding company and presently continues as such. In the latter part of 2010, under a new management, GREEN began its initiative in venturing into other business opportunities apart and divested from the semiconductor business. One of these business opportunities pertain to the field of renewable energy. Following the divestment, the SEC approved the Company's proposal to change its corporate name to the present one. In the same year, the stockholders of GREEN approved the investment of the Company in other green businesses. Among the businesses being considered for acquisition or investment that would allow GREEN to widen and diversify its investment portfolio are those in the area of agriculture, agri-tourism, real estate development, banking and finance, and information technology. GREEN's subsidiaries are Sunchamp Real Estate Development Corp.; Winsun Green Ventures Inc.; Total Waste Management Recovery System, Inc.; AgriNurture Development Holdings, Inc.; Lite Speed Technologies, Inc.; Yakuru Group Pty. Limited; and Ocean Biochemistry Technology Research, Inc. Source: SEC Form 17-A (2022)
Stock Information
Electrical Components & Equip.
Outstanding Shares
Share Type