Belle Corporation (BEL) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:39 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱1.65 - ₱1.70
₱1.14 - ₱2.79
Valuation Metrics
₱16.48 Billion

The stock price of BEL today is ₱1.70, based on the most recent trading session. BEL share price increased by 0.59% (see other notable gainers), with a trading volume of 302,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 6.25% ₱1.66 ₱1.70 ₱1.60 807,167 shares ₱1.33 Million
1 Month 1.19% ₱1.65 ₱1.70 ₱1.60 602,667 shares ₱990,363
3 Months -8.6% ₱1.72 ₱1.87 ₱1.60 497,424 shares ₱853,257
6 Months -22.37% ₱1.85 ₱2.27 ₱1.60 753,496 shares ₱1.42 Million
YTD 2.41% ₱1.65 ₱1.70 ₱1.60 700,600 shares ₱1.15 Million
1 Year 46.55% ₱1.91 ₱2.79 ₱1.14 2,296,570 shares ₱5.11 Million

BEL Stock Information
Casinos & Gaming
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Feb 02, 1977
Company Profile
Belle Corporation (BEL) was originally incorporated in 1973 as Belle Mining and Oil Exploration, Incorporated (Belle Resources). In 1989, Belle Resources developed a golf club named Tagaytay Highlands International Golf Club, Incorporated, which became its initial foray into the property development sector. Thereafter, Belle Resources changed its name to the present one in 1994 to underscore the shift in its principal activity. The business of BEL, through subsidiaries and associates, include mainly real estate development, principally in the high-end leisure property market, gaming and various investment holdings.On April 14, 2011, BEL acquired Premium Leisure & Amusement, Inc. (PLAI). PLAI is a grantee by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation of a license to operate integrated resorts, including casinos, in the vicinity of the Bagong Nayong Pilipino Manila Bay Entertainment City and the Newport City Integrated Resort.In October 2012, BEL and PLAI entered into a cooperation agreement with Melco Crown Entertainment Limited and its Philippine affiliates (MCE), which placed BEL as a co-licensee and the owner of the land and buildings and MCE as a co-licensee and developer and operator of all the facilities within the resort complex effective March 13, 2013. A year later, MCE unveiled plans to name the integrated resort ""City of Dreams Manila"" after its flagship City of Dreams integrated resort in Macau's Cotai Strip. City of Dreams Manila was launched on February 2, 2015.The Company's other subsidiaries engaged in gaming and gaming-related activities are Premium Leisure Corp. and Pacific Online Systems Corporation.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)