Steniel Manufacturing Corporation (STN) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:45 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱1.56 - ₱1.69
₱0.260 - ₱2.05
Valuation Metrics
₱2.40 Billion

The stock price of STN today is ₱1.69, based on the most recent trading session. STN share price increased by 8.33% (see other notable gainers), with a trading volume of 1,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -6.63% ₱1.70 ₱1.81 ₱1.56 17,333 shares ₱28,750
1 Month 8.33% ₱1.67 ₱1.88 ₱1.46 741,278 shares ₱1.18 Million
3 Months -6.11% ₱1.63 ₱1.88 ₱1.46 249,068 shares ₱396,197
6 Months 9.74% ₱1.71 ₱2.05 ₱1.40 226,099 shares ₱379,678
YTD 7.64% ₱1.70 ₱1.88 ₱1.56 884,133 shares ₱1.41 Million
1 Year 550% ₱1.25 ₱2.05 ₱0.260 477,193 shares ₱696,170

STN Stock Information
Other Industrials
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Nov 22, 1993
Company Profile
Steniel Manufacturing Corporate (STN) was incorporated on September 13, 1963. The Company and its subsidiaries are engaged in the manufacturing, processing, and selling of all kinds of paper products, paper board and corrugated carton containers, and all other allied products and processes.As of December 31, 2023, the operating subsidiaries of the Company are Steniel Cavite Packaging Corporation (SCPC) and Steniel Mindanao Packaging Corporation (SMPC). SCPC is primarily engaged in the manufacturing, processing and selling of all kinds of paper products, paper board and corrugated carton containers, and lease of properties. SMPC is in the business of manufacturing, importing, buying, selling or otherwise dealing in, at wholesale and retail, all kinds of paper, paper rolls, paper boards, cartons, containers, packaging materials and other pulp and paper products.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)