Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) Stock Price

Last Updated: / (Last Trading)

FYNB Stock Price Today

( $0.0862 in USD )

Price Performance Charts

Trading Data

Previous Close
Day Low / High
₱5.00 - ₱5.00
52W Low / High
₱5.00 - ₱5.00
Trade Amount
Trade Volume

Valuation Metrics

Market Cap
₱245.36 Million
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value

The stock price of FYNB today is ₱5.00, based on the most recent trading session. FYNB share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 0 shares.


Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 0% ₱5.00 ₱5.00 ₱5.00 0 shares ₱0
1 Month 0% ₱5.00 ₱5.00 ₱5.00 0 shares ₱0
3 Months 0% ₱5.00 ₱5.00 ₱5.00 0 shares ₱0
6 Months 0% ₱5.00 ₱5.00 ₱5.00 0 shares ₱0
YTD 0% ₱5.00 ₱5.00 ₱5.00 0 shares ₱0
1 Year 0% ₱5.00 ₱5.00 ₱5.00 0 shares ₱0
Last Updated:

More Stock Details

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FYNB Stock Information

Other Industrials
Share Type
Outstanding Shares
Board Lot
Is PSEi / Blue Chip
Is Dividend Stock

Company Profile

Filsyn Corporation (FYN) was originally organized in 1968 as Filipinas Synthetic Fiber Corporation to promote and support the polyester fiber and yarn requirements of the Philippines' textile industry. The Company was registered with the Board of Investments in 1969 with a preferred and pioneer status and began full-scale commercial operations in November 1971.FYN changed to its present name in 1987 to reflect its wider range of activities. To date, it has investments in Island King Aquaventure Corporation, an aquaculture company, and SRTC Development Corporation, a real estate company.Since the implementation of the import liberalization program of the government in 1995, the textile industry experienced excess capacity coupled with high production costs and financing costs. Since then, FYN's operations were limited to the disposal of old inventories, machineries and equipment, as well as sale of scrap materials and parts, as well as acting as sales agent for Far Eastern Textile Ltd. and other entities in the support of textiles in the country.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)


What is the Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) stock price today?
The stock price for Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) today is PHP 5.00.
What is the market cap of Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB)?
The total market cap of Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) is PHP 245.36 Million.
What type of stock is FYNB?
The type of stock for FYNB is Common.
What is the board lot of Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB)?
The board lot of Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) is n/a.
What stock exchange does Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) trade on?
Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) is listed and trades on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).
Is Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) a member of PSEi index (a blue chip stock)?
No, Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) is not part of the PSEi index.
Is Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) a dividend-paying stock?
No, Filsyn Corporation "B" (FYNB) is not a dividend-paying stock.