Prime Media Holdings, Inc. (PRIM) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:54 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱1.99 - ₱2.08
₱1.66 - ₱4.48
Valuation Metrics
₱1.84 Billion

The stock price of PRIM today is ₱1.99, based on the most recent trading session. PRIM share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 41,000 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -6.13% ₱2.11 ₱2.27 ₱1.99 118,167 shares ₱243,918
1 Month 2.58% ₱2.11 ₱2.27 ₱1.91 147,111 shares ₱311,151
3 Months -23.46% ₱2.08 ₱2.60 ₱1.66 132,102 shares ₱275,999
6 Months -23.17% ₱2.33 ₱2.85 ₱1.66 316,612 shares ₱766,789
YTD -6.13% ₱2.13 ₱2.27 ₱1.91 120,867 shares ₱261,576
1 Year -26.3% ₱2.75 ₱4.48 ₱1.66 684,107 shares ₱2.41 Million

PRIM Stock Information
Holding Firms
Holding Firms
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Jul 29, 1964
Company Profile
Prime Media Holdings, Inc. (PRIM) was originally incorporated on February 6, 1963 as Private Development Corporation of the Philippines and then changed to PDCP Development Bank, Inc. that same year. On June 6, 2000, the Company changed its name to First e-Bank Corporation and then eventually shifted to its current name on October 20, 2003.In 2002, Banco de Oro Unibank, Inc. assumed the servicing of PRIM's deposit liabilities and other banking functions. On December 6, 2002, the Board of PRIM approved the change in primary purpose from a development bank to a holding company, which would hold investments in the media industry.In view of the very minimal operations, the Company gradually retired all its employees by 2010 and engaged consultants/service providers to service its requirements.On May 23, 2023, the Company entered into a joint venture agreement with ABS-CBN to create a joint venture company which will develop, produce and finance content programs and shows for distribution to local and international broadcast networks, channels and platforms. On July 5, 2023, the parties incorporated such joint venture company under the name, Media Serbisyo Production Corp. with ownership ratio of 51:49 between Prime Media and ABS-CBN.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)