Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation (GPH) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 03:03 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱5.80 - ₱5.90
₱5.90 - ₱11.96
Valuation Metrics
₱311.56 Million

The stock price of GPH today is ₱5.80, based on the most recent trading session. GPH share price decreased by 1.69% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 100 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -3.17% ₱5.93 ₱6.00 ₱5.80 83 shares ₱495
1 Month -21.62% ₱6.12 ₱7.40 ₱5.80 1,378 shares ₱8,211
3 Months -14.2% ₱7.36 ₱8.86 ₱5.80 553 shares ₱3,528
6 Months -24.87% ₱7.16 ₱8.86 ₱5.80 366 shares ₱2,400
YTD -1.86% ₱5.96 ₱6.00 ₱5.80 933 shares ₱5,589
1 Year -31.84% ₱8.17 ₱11.96 ₱5.80 673 shares ₱5,119

GPH Stock Information
Hotel & Leisure
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Dec 10, 1992
Company Profile
Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation (GPH) was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 9, 1989 primarily to own, lease or manage one or more hotels, inns or resorts, and other tourist-oriented businesses. GPH owns The Heritage Hotel Manila, a deluxe class hotel which offers 467 rooms and deluxe facilities such as restaurants, ballrooms, and a casino. The hotel opened on August 2, 1994 and the Company has continued to own and operate the hotel since then.The Company's main source of income is revenue from the hotel operations. The market for the hotel services varied. The bulk of the room guests are corporate clients from various countries. The majority of the room guests are Americans, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos and guests from Southeast Asian nations, while food and beverage guests are mainly Filipinos. Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)