Filinvest Development Corporation (FDC) Stock Price
The stock price of FDC today is ₱4.88, based on the most recent trading session. FDC share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 0 shares.
The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.
Period | % Change | Average Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Average Volume | Average Trade |
7 Days | 0.21% | ₱4.88 | ₱4.89 | ₱4.87 | 3,000 shares | ₱14,428 |
1 Month | -1.41% | ₱4.90 | ₱4.95 | ₱4.87 | 4,722 shares | ₱22,954 |
3 Months | -9.63% | ₱5.19 | ₱5.49 | ₱4.87 | 15,042 shares | ₱78,686 |
6 Months | -10.79% | ₱5.35 | ₱6.00 | ₱4.87 | 36,364 shares | ₱195,211 |
YTD | -1.41% | ₱4.89 | ₱4.95 | ₱4.87 | 4,733 shares | ₱22,929 |
1 Year | -12.07% | ₱5.46 | ₱6.00 | ₱4.87 | 36,892 shares | ₱200,080 |
Filinvest Development Corporation (FDC) was incorporated on April 27, 1973. In 1984, the Gotianun family consolidated their real estate interests within FDC, following the divestment of shares in two family-owned banks: Family Bank and Trust Company and the Insular Bank of Asia and America.
By 1990, FDC expanded its offerings to include the construction and sale of low-cost and medium-cost housing units. The product line further diversified to encompass the development of commercial districts, leisure projects such as farm estates and sports clubs, and the construction of residential and office condominiums.
Through its subsidiaries, FDC is involved in various sectors, including:
- Mall, theater, and resort hotel operations.
- Banking and financial services.
- Sugar farming and milling.
- Power generation.
Notable hospitality projects operated by FDC include the Crimson Resort and Spa in Mactan and Boracay, Crimson Hotel in Filinvest City, Alabang, Quest Hotel and Conference Centers in Cebu and Clark, and Mimosa Golf in Clark.
As of December 31, 2022, FDC's subsidiaries include:
- Pacific Sugar Holdings Corporation
- East West Banking Corporation
- FDC Ventures
- Filinvest Mimosa, Inc.
- Dreambuilders Pro, Inc.
- Filinvest Land, Inc.
- Filinvest Alabang, Inc.
- Corporate Technologies Incorporated
- FDC Utilities, Inc.
- Filinvest Hospitality Corporation
- Mactan Seascapes Services, Inc.