San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) Stock Price

Last Updated: / (Last Trading)

FBP Stock Price Today

( $17.36 in USD )

Price Performance Charts

Trading Data

Previous Close
Day Low / High
₱1,011.00 - ₱1,011.00
52W Low / High
₱1,011.00 - ₱1,011.00
Trade Amount
Trade Volume

Valuation Metrics

Market Cap
P/E Ratio
Earnings Per Share
Book Value

The stock price of FBP today is ₱1,011.00, based on the most recent trading session. FBP share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 0 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 0% ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 0 shares ₱0
1 Month 0% ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 0 shares ₱0
3 Months 0% ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 0 shares ₱0
6 Months 0% ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 0 shares ₱0
YTD 0% ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 0 shares ₱0
1 Year 0% ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 ₱1,011.00 0 shares ₱0
Last Updated:

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FBP Stock Information

Food, Beverage & Tobacco
Share Type
Outstanding Shares
Board Lot
Is PSEi / Blue Chip
Is Dividend Stock

Company Profile

San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. (FB), formerly San Miguel Pure Foods Company, Inc., was incorporated on October 31, 1956 to primarily engage in the business of manufacturing and marketing of processed meat products. FB, through its subsidiaries, later on diversified into poultry and livestock operations, feeds and flour milling, dairy and coffee operations, franchising and young animal ration manufacturing and distribution.In 2018, FB amended its primary purpose and changed its corporate name to the present one to reflect its expansion into the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage business. In the same year, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the increase in authorized capital stock of FB, by virtue of which FB issued new common shares to its intermediate parent San Miguel Corporation (SMC) in exchange for SMC's common shares in San Miguel Brewery Inc. (SMB) and Ginebra San Miguel Inc. (GSMI), completing the consolidation of the food and beverage businesses of SMC under FB.As a result, FB is now operating in three business segments: beer and non-alcoholic beverages, spirits, and food. Among the brands in its portfolio include ""Magnolia"" for chicken, ice cream and dairy products; ""Monterey"" for fresh and marinated meats; ""Purefoods"" for refrigerated processed meats and canned meats; ""Star"" and ""Dari Crème"" for margarine; ""San Mig Coffee"" for coffee; ""La Pacita"" for biscuit and flour-based snacks; ""B-Meg"" for animal feeds; and ""San Miguel Pale Pilsen"" and ""Ginebra San Miguel"" for alcoholic beverages.Aside from SMB and GSMI, FB's subsidiaries include San Miguel Foods, Inc.; San Miguel Mills, Inc.; The Purefoods-Hormel Company, Inc.; Magnolia, Inc.; PT San Miguel Foods Indonesia; San Miguel Foods International, Limited; and San Miguel Super Coffeemix Co., Inc.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)

FBP Stock FAQs

What is the San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) stock price today?
The stock price for San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) today is PHP 1,011.00.
What is the market cap of San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP)?
The total market cap of San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) is PHP 1,011.
What type of stock is FBP?
The type of stock for FBP is Preferred.
What is the board lot of San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP)?
The board lot of San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) is 5.
What stock exchange does San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) trade on?
San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) is listed and trades on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).
Is San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) a member of PSEi index (a blue chip stock)?
No, San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) is not part of the PSEi index.
Is San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) a dividend-paying stock?
No, San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. - Preferred (FBP) is not a dividend-paying stock.