China Banking Corporation (CBC) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 03:06 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱69.70 - ₱70.10
₱31.30 - ₱70.55
₱47.79 Million
Valuation Metrics
₱188.12 Billion

The stock price of CBC today is ₱69.90, based on the most recent trading session. CBC share price decreased by 0.21% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 682,880 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days -0.57% ₱69.68 ₱70.05 ₱69.05 717,620 shares ₱49.86 Million
1 Month 10.25% ₱68.20 ₱70.55 ₱62.00 987,482 shares ₱67.09 Million
3 Months 19.49% ₱62.18 ₱70.55 ₱53.55 810,393 shares ₱50.65 Million
6 Months 73.66% ₱54.59 ₱70.55 ₱39.75 716,672 shares ₱41.59 Million
YTD 5.99% ₱69.24 ₱70.55 ₱65.95 959,784 shares ₱66.31 Million
1 Year 121.9% ₱45.86 ₱70.55 ₱31.30 487,002 shares ₱25.58 Million

CBC Stock Information
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Sep 01, 1927
Company Profile
China Banking Corporation (CBC) was incorporated on July 20, 1920 and commenced business on August 16 of the same year. It was listed on the local stock exchange in September 1927 and acquired its universal banking license in 1991.CBC is one of the leading private domestic universal banks in the Philippines. Its main businesses are deposit taking and business and consumer lending. It also provides trust & asset management, wealth management, cash management, investment banking & advisory, foreign currency trading, remittance, and internet & mobile banking services.The bank also serves all the financial needs of its individual and institutional customers through its subsidiaries Chinabank Savings, Chinabank Capital Corp., CBC Assets One, Chinabank Securities, Resurgent Capital, Chinabank Insurance Brokers, and affiliate Manulife China Bank Life Assurance.As of December 31, 2023, CBC has a nationwide network of 648 branches and 1,069 automated teller machines.Source: The Company (2024)