Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company 'B' (LCB) Stock Price

Data as of: 22-Jan-2025 Wed 02:57 PM  /  Live Trading
Trading Data
₱0.0700 - ₱0.0700
₱0.0600 - ₱0.0890
Valuation Metrics
₱1.86 Billion

The stock price of LCB today is ₱0.0700, based on the most recent trading session. LCB share price remained unchanged, with a trading volume of 0 shares.

Price Data by Timeframe

The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.

Period % Change Average Price Highest Price Lowest Price Average Volume Average Trade
7 Days 4.48% ₱0.0700 ₱0.0700 ₱0.0700 181,667 shares ₱12,517
1 Month 2.94% ₱0.0700 ₱0.0700 ₱0.0600 550,556 shares ₱36,887
3 Months -17.65% ₱0.0700 ₱0.0900 ₱0.0600 793,898 shares ₱57,428
6 Months -5.41% ₱0.0700 ₱0.0900 ₱0.0600 1,171,074 shares ₱81,253
YTD 4.48% ₱0.0700 ₱0.0700 ₱0.0600 408,000 shares ₱27,508
1 Year -6.67% ₱0.0700 ₱0.0900 ₱0.0600 893,156 shares ₱64,759

LCB Stock Information
Mining & Oil
Outstanding Shares
Share Type
Listing Date
Apr 30, 1947
Company Profile
Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company (LC) was incorporated on September 8, 1936 primarily to engage in the exploration and mining of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and all kinds of ores, metals, minerals, oil, gas, and coal and their related by-products. Until 1997, LC was operating an enargite copper mine located in Mankayan, Benguet. LC shifted to gold bullion production in 1997 through its Victoria project and resumed copper operations in the fourth quarter of 2017. LC produces gold/silver dore and gold/copper concentrates.LC's subsidiaries are Shipside, Inc.; Diamond Drilling Corporation of the Philippines; Lepanto Investment and Development Corporation (LIDC); and Far Southeast Gold Resources, Inc. Through LIDC, the Company owns 25% of Diamant Manufacturing and Trading Corporation, a manufacturer of industrial diamond tools for mining exploration, marble cutting and the construction industry.Source: SEC Form 17-A (2023)