Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. (AEV) Stock Price
The stock price of AEV today is ₱33.55, based on the most recent trading session. AEV share price decreased by 0.59% (see other notable decliners), with a trading volume of 83,800 shares.
The table below provides a snapshot of the stock's performance over various timeframes.
Period | % Change | Average Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Average Volume | Average Trade |
7 Days | 2.44% | ₱33.54 | ₱33.80 | ₱33.00 | 395,983 shares | ₱13.21 Million |
1 Month | -0.45% | ₱34.01 | ₱35.20 | ₱32.75 | 1,031,350 shares | ₱35.20 Million |
3 Months | -7.06% | ₱34.23 | ₱36.10 | ₱32.70 | 1,900,476 shares | ₱65.04 Million |
6 Months | -5.76% | ₱34.92 | ₱38.15 | ₱32.60 | 1,860,754 shares | ₱64.82 Million |
YTD | -1.32% | ₱34.00 | ₱35.20 | ₱32.75 | 1,098,993 shares | ₱37.54 Million |
1 Year | -31.18% | ₱38.58 | ₱53.00 | ₱32.60 | 2,814,022 shares | ₱105.16 Million |
Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. (AEV) was initially incorporated on September 11, 1989, under the name Cebu Pan Asian Holdings, Inc. The company adopted its current name on December 29, 1993, and opened its ownership to the public through an initial public offering (IPO) on November 16, 1994.
AEV's core business operations, managed through its subsidiaries and affiliates, are categorized into five main sectors:
- Power Generation, Distribution, and Retail Electricity Supply: AEV plays a significant role in the energy sector, focusing on sustainable and reliable power solutions.
- Financial Services: The company provides a range of financial products and services to support various market needs.
- Food Manufacturing: AEV is involved in producing quality food products, contributing to the country's agricultural and food supply chain.
- Real Estate: The company engages in real estate development and management, enhancing urban infrastructure and housing.
- Infrastructure: AEV is committed to building and managing essential infrastructure projects that facilitate economic growth.
In addition to its core businesses, AEV holds investments in aviation through AEV Aviation, Inc., and in the insurance sector via Archipelago Insurance Pte. Ltd. The company also manages portfolio investments internationally through AEV International Pte. Ltd.
With a diversified portfolio and a focus on sustainable development, Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. continues to strengthen its position as a key player in various industries within the Philippines and abroad.